A Glimpse of

There are some scenarios with strict NDA such as military companies in Swiss or Germany therefore I can not even mention them cause they want to maintain their resources and content development as "Internal", in other scenarios I can mention the firm but can't go any further, and finally there are some companies that are 100% linked to the company I represent (as Manager) but in-depth, it does not mean they are doing business strictly with me as a physical person.

As a reminder
That being said, let's see some of those works I have been working on during the last 5 years...

New 10-2022

Animo SKF [Vision]

Internal software I've developed for my company.
The idea was make cost zero when hosting 3D models as iframes (Embedding for Clients).
It is built with .NET Core 6, SQL ThreeJS (WebGL).
You can control from 3D Settings, Hotspots, Animations, + 35 more tweeks.

Angst & Pfister [Swiss]

Doppelmayr [Global]

Faigle [Swiss]

Gas Connect Austria

Hardgassner [Austria]

IMA Schelling Group [Swiss]

Inficon [Liechtenstein]

Flughafen Wien [Austria]

Kneitz & Schoepf [Austria - Germany]

LTW Intralogistics [Austria]

Meusburger [Austria]

RJ Sanitar [Argentina]

Zimm [Austria]

New 10-2022

Some 3D Samples

Some random 3D renders using different building techniques.
Also, some 3D Animatics to give some idea about how it looks.

New 09-2022

Other Practical Samples

1) Example 360 VR Stereoscopic !
[Tesis for Postdegree]

2) PWA + VR 360 system